Positive Habits


I’m trying to write more often. In a quite a nebulous hand-wavey way, I want to improve my ability to put thoughts to paper, so I can communicate more effectively. [ read on → ]

Java Still Sucks


I love using Jenkins for my personal projects and some home automation tasks. [ read on → ]

Enterprise Resource Planning, for the Home


I live in a flat which I share with some really good friends; meals are planned and shared to lighten the load and costs between us all, same with household supplies. [ read on → ]

After Hours On-Call Support


The company I work for is the antithesis of Google; where Google kills products almost religiously, my workplace has deprecated almost nothing in thirty years of existence, but still loves to ship new products and systems. [ read on → ]

Monitoring Your Self-Hosted Estate


If you build and develop a system with paying customers, you know that tracking and publishing service uptime is absolutely critical to build trust. [ read on → ]



The Rust programming language has been one of those things that I want to get into, but have just been struggling to get my head around. [ read on → ]

New Year’s Resolutions


Its getting real close to that time of year again, where we all pretend to perform some serious introspection and decide that we have no real issues other than superficial. [ read on → ]



After spending an entire year of promising myself I wouldn’t distro-hop into another Linux OS any more, I thought I would reward myself by installing another OS. [ read on → ]

Advanced Custom Shortcuts on Windows


Shortcuts on Windows are annoying. Inside those little binary lnk files is a large number of properties which are essential to doing some pretty cool stuff. [ read on → ]

Routing by Subdomain in ASP.NET Core 2.2


A long time ago I wanted to do some routing through a project using a wildcard subdomain, something like a simulated multi-tenanted setup for a service. [ read on → ]

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