Getting the Hang of .NET Orleans


I like to challenge myself to learn new things, particularly around my profession, and one such thing I had been considering for a while was . [ read on → ]

Exploring Godot Game Development


For the last little while, I’ve been looking for ways to expand upon my creativity and learn new skills. [ read on → ]

My Blender Donut


So I feel like I had a bit of a false start in terms of my learning 3D modeling. [ read on → ]

First Attempt at Learning 3D Modeling with Blender


My flatmates are game devs and graphic designers, so I regularly hear them talk about 3D modeling and animation. [ read on → ]

Secure Short URLs from Numbers in .NET


When developing a web application, perhaps a URL shortener, you often need to store resources in a database and expose them via a URI - usually via some kind of generated identifier used as a primary key by the database. [ read on → ]

Docker, gRPC, and REST APIs in .NET


In the world of service APIs, gRPC undeniably shines. This high-performance framework, created by Google, provides a remarkable toolkit for building interconnected systems. [ read on → ]

Re-evaluating Personal File Storage


Resilio Sync is a great tool for syncing files across multiple devices without relying on a cloud service. [ read on → ]

Productionising a Listed Blog


I recently decided to streamline my personal projects and combine my personal and professional blogs into one platform: Listed. [ read on → ]

Scaling Back Side Projects


Over the last year I have found myself to be busier than ever before with work, yet my desire to create side projects has not scaled back to balance this workload. [ read on → ]

Managing Kubernetes Workloads with Terraform


Terraform is an awesome way of managing infrastructure as code. It builds a graph of your definition, compares it to what exists already, and makes only the required changes. [ read on → ]

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